London eagle gay bar

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The Hidden DoorĪpparently not so hidden to make the list, this Lone Star State bar offers daily drink and beer fest specials. One of the oldest and most popular gay bars in Chicago, Roscoe’s is often packed with young, professional gays at the front bar with an equally crowded dance floor in the back. R Place offers three levels of fun in a friendly, relaxed atmosphere: A first floor bar, second floor with pool and darts, and third floor dance area where patrons can get down to a Top 40 playlist. This video bar which shows everything from musicals to comedy and retro ’80s videos, but the people watching is good too. Known for its many theme parties, The Cuff also acts as the home club for many of Seattle’s leather, bear, bike, and fetish groups. The hot bartenders and waitstaff wearing-you guessed it-boxers, leaves little wonder why this is New York City’s favorite gay sports bar.

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